The Brothers Karamazov




If there is anything most enigmatic and intriguing in this whole wide world, it is the human mind and how it behaves with respect to the situations, experiences, perceptions, its understanding of the situation and many more unfathomable reasons. The Brothers Karamazov, is a fruitful attempt by Fyodor Dostoevsky, where he binds the characters in a series of events and situations that reveal their innermost thoughts, actions and intentions. Set up in Russian backdrop the story is about the father and son who fight over the inheritance which only latter of them is entitled to. This opens a can of worms as men get into the conflict and one thing leads to other. With a well explained philosophical angle to it, the book gives the message of forgiveness in all things which is the only way lead a peaceful and calm life.

Additional Information
Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Format Paperback
Language English
ISBN 9789390852819
Pages 832

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