Reincarnation And The Law of Karma




Atkinson's book is a smart historical and philosophical reference through the ages of these two beliefs. Reincarnation as a belief makes the fear of death obsolete. According to its followers; death is nothing more than a state change and our spirit is an everlasting, immortal light, containing our birth right a slice of the divine. Karma and Reincarnation goes hand in hand. Most religions have a trace of acknowledgement of these ancient laws, except Christianity. The original Christian Gnosis, that predated organized Christianity still believed in Karma and Reincarnation, the early Church fathers made sure that such notions were eliminated and wiped out. Hence strengthening their positions and the political ties the church and the state had forged.

Additional Information
Author William Walker Atkinson
Format Paperback
Language English
ISBN 9789355840080
Pages 100

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