Eight Pillars Of Prosperity




Allen helps us understand the eight pillars that are the foundation of true and lasting success. These pillars are Energy, Economy, Integrity, System, Sympathy, Sincerity, Impartiality, and Self-Reliance. In a change of pace from his books on spiritual self-enlightenment, James Allen-one of the most popular writers in the fields of inspiration at the turn of the 20th century-asks, what makes for prosperity? On what principles is a successful life or business built? In this work, first published in 1911, he explains his belief that "prosperity rests upon a moral foundation," one grounded by the pillars of Energy, Economy, Integrity, System, Sympathy, Sincerity, Impartiality, and Self-Reliance.

Additional Information
Author James Allen
Format Paperback
Language English
ISBN 9789354625275
Pages 94

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